Lesson 8: Why does a good God allow suffering and evil to exist?


The goal is to boldly address one of the most perplexing human experiences and challenge teens to view suffering differently — not as a reason to doubt, but rather a reason to place faith in God’s strength.

Key Concepts
Physical Evil: Suffering that we experience as the result of natural causes.

Moral Evil: Suffering that is the result of sin and free choice. 

Small Group Questions:

1] Do you turn to God when life is going well or when it's falling apart? Why do you think that is? (4 minutes)

2] Does the reality of suffering in your life or the world around you affect how you view God? How so? (4minutes) 

3] Can God's permission of Evil in the world reveal His respect and love for us? How? (5minutes)  (Do not offer answers for the teens or insist that they get to a certain place with their answer; rather allow them to be honest and wrestle with this question.) 

4] Jesus Christ was completely innocent but suffered and died to save you. How does the suffering of Christ impact the way you view suffering? (5 minutes) 
5] Can suffering have a purpose?

6] Are there any benefits to suffering? (7 minutes)

7] What is redemptive suffering? (3 minutes)

8] Why do you think it is so important to suffer with Christ? How does He make suffering different?