Lesson #3: What is your story God?


The goal of this session is to introduce Jesus as a teacher, healer, and exorcist, which leads to the conclusion that Jesus must also be our Lord and God. The teens will also be challenged to personally answer the question, “Who do you say I am?”

Key Concepts

Jesus’ mission was to bring about the Kingdom of God. He did so by teaching, working miracles, and, most importantly, forgiving sins.

Jesus came for the meek: those questioning the existence of God, the sinners, the brokenhearted, the enslaved, the overlooked.

Jesus asks us, “Who do you say I am?” We must offer a response; our response determines our relationship with Him.

Key Terms

Kingdom of God: The reign or rule of God. The Kingdom of God draws near with the coming of the Incarnate Word; it is announced in the Gospel; it is the messianic Kingdom, present in the person of Jesus, the Messiah; it remains in our midst in the Eucharist.

Savior: Jesus (which means “God saves” in Hebrew). The Son of God became man to achieve our salvation; He is the unique saviour of humanity.

Small-Group Questions 

1] What are some things you do that define a part of who you are?

2] If you were to look at your life from the outside, what would people say about who you are?

3] What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the things Jesus did or who He was?

4] Who do you know that is a good example of someone who shows God’s love, even in a messy situation? Explain.

5] Is it easy for you to believe that, even if you are hurting, broken, or struggling, you are a part of the Kingdom of God? Why?

6] If you could have witnessed Jesus working a miracle, which miracle would you have wanted to see? 

7] Do you believe Jesus can work miracles? Why? 

8] When Jesus worked miracles, what was His end goal for the person? Was it just a physical healing or something more?

9] What do we learn about Jesus’ power in the way He casts out demons and forgives sins? Why is this important?

10] How do we experience the power of Jesus to forgive sins in our lives?

11] If someone were to ask you right now who Jesus is, what would you say?

12] Are teens in your generation open to learning more about Jesus? Why?

13] Are you open to considering who Jesus really is? Explain.

14] What difference does it make that Jesus is more than just a teacher or a good guy, that He is God?